Everyone always preaches love for others, but do we ever stop to think about how WE can love OURSELVES? This is where these 5 self-love tips come in. But before we delve into that, I wanted to get something off my chest.
For some inexplicable reason, this seems to be the hardest. We find reasons to pour ourselves into our jobs, busy tasks, or anything else that helps us to avoid focusing on healing our own souls.
How many times do you feel as if you need to slow down? You feel like you haven’t stopped moving or thinking long enough for your body to recover.
As humans in a digital age, we tend to want to be doing all the things all the time. We see people all over social media traveling the world, sipping a glass of wine on a gorgeous balcony, or having AMAZING experiences that we feel the need to live up to.
I want you to take a minute to STOP. Look around at the life you have RIGHT NOW. You have a beautiful sunrise to wake up to and a breathtaking sunset to say goodnight to. You have the stars in the sky and the wind in your hair.
THAT, right there is enough.
YOU are enough.
You deserve to give yourself just as much love as the next person. We don’t have to constantly be on the move, giving yourself to others.
Starting now, it’s time we begin practicing how to implement self-love tips into our lives
5 Self-Love Tips You NEED to Practice
1. Disconnect from social media
In order to really focus on harnessing love for yourself, one of the most important steps is disconnecting yourself from social media.
On social platforms, Instagram in particular, people only post the best versions of themselves—clear skin, flawless makeup, and carefree bathing suit photos. It is VERY important not to get caught up in what is presented on Instagram. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a never-ending loop of self-hatred and small glimpses of self-love from the few inspirational posts that appear on your feed.
I will admit, I often find myself stuck in this cycle. I’ll feel down and in need of some distraction, so my fingers lead me to Instagram.
Sometimes, this tends to backfire on me. I find myself saying things like, “My stomach doesn’t look like hers,” or “My legs don’t look like hers,” or “My face doesn’t look like hers.”
The list can go on and on. No two people are ever alike and that is something we should embrace. Why TRY and be someone else when you can be unapologetically YOU.
Maybe I’m not built like a model. 5 ft 1 isn’t exactly tall which automatically makes me stand out against others. While this was something that others commented on, as I got older I realized that I really LIKED my height.
I don’t mind being short and I don’t care for the short jokes anymore. I’m happy in the size I came in. Plus, now I can wear those 6-inch wedges I got from Kmart 😉
2. Stop the comparison game.
This is a BIG one.
Where do I even begin…
I know it can seem impossible not to compare yourself to other people, but I truly believe that you can get to a point where this isn’t an everyday thing for you anymore.
I can’t lie, I often fall victim to the comparison game. From experience, I can say that staying away from social media when you feel yourself falling into this hole is the best thing you can do.

Everyone is different. Everyone has their own insecurities. No matter what you look like or what is happening in your life, it is VERY important to always love yourself.
Our bodies are going to change. Our lives are going to change. This is all inevitable. It is very easy to say, “I’d be happier if I was just _____.”
However, while it may be true that certain changes in our life can make us happier, the source of our happiness comes from within.
We need to make peace with ourselves and quit the comparison game.
We are never going to be exactly like someone else. I know that this is much easier said than done, but in order to harness self-love, sometimes you just have to tell your brain to “shhhh” and feed it the positive thoughts that you deserve.
3. Remember: You are NOT your thoughts.
Telling your brain to “shhh” goes hand in hand with this next tip.
Our thoughts can really consume ourselves at times, but it is important to remember that we are NOT our thoughts!
We are SO much more!
When your brain tells you that you’re ugly or you’re too fat or you’re too skinny, you need to tell it to SHUT UP!
I know that sounds aggressive, but if your thoughts are going to feed you negativity than you might as well respond with the same force.
Whatever condescending thoughts that your brain is feeding you, just remember that they are all lies.
My #1 rule is: don’t say anything to yourself that you would not say to your friend or a stranger. If you’re a straight savage, then this does not apply to you and you should learn to be nicer to everyone, including yourself! It is very important to treat ourselves with the same respect that we treat relatives and friends.
There is no need to be your own worst enemy. It only slows you down and prevents you from reaching your full potential.
Be your own biggest fan and you’ll marvel at what you can do! I promise you!
4. Take time for yourself.

Remember to do things that make YOU happy.
Whether that be going for a walk, going to the gym, or even just binging your favorite Netflix show, taking time for yourself is a necessary step in building self-love.
You may not realize it, but your body along with your brain needs a break from the day’s work. Taking some time to yourself can truly impact your overall happiness which, in turn, can contribute to your own self-love.
I know sometimes it can be hard to take time for yourself because you feel guilty or unproductive, but sometimes it is OK to just do absolutely nothing! Your mind and body need that break of silence and serenity so that you can fill your brain with all the love and positivity that it needs!
One way I have ME time:
Writing down my thoughts not only helps me sort through my feelings but also allows me to document my own story.
For me, journaling is the perfect way to get connected with my goals and values. It helps provide mental clarity for me in times when I am struggling to see the bigger picture.
Next time you feel overwhelmed or want to take some time for yourself, write down your feelings, your goals, your passions, and everything that comes to mind.
I love getting my books from amazon or Tj Maxx! They have the cutest collection. Here are some of my Amazon favorites:
- “Let’s Crush these Goals” – Periwinkle softcover
- Boss Babe Spiral Softcover
- Make Your Dreams Happens Softcover
Hey, maybe you can even write down these self-love tips in there to get started 😉
Someone who preaches self-love and self-care habits is an amazing human being Jenna Kutcher. Her blog covers everything from creating your own online business to being a boss babe to learning how to be confident in your own skin.
Her work is powerful, inspiring, and everything in between. If you’re looking for some kickass advice I recommend taking a peek at her article and podcast episode on How to Ditch Self-Doubt and Live Your Best Life.
5. Celebrate small achievements.
Celebrate yourself! If you’re having a tough day, find something to celebrate even if that is simply making your bed or even just getting out of your bed.
Rather than approaching life with the glass half empty mentality, try to be more optimistic. The glass is half full after all!
Instead of focusing on what you did not do, focus on what you did do! No matter how small, whatever you did is still something and it is worth celebrating!
Be proud of yourself!
Try removing contractions, such as “didn’t,” “can’t,” and “won’t” from your everyday vocabulary.
Through that, you will become a more positive person with less inclination to put yourself down.
One of my favorite memes is, “It’s called a trash can not a trash can’t.”

It’s so silly but is also very true. You cannot go through life saying that you “can’t” do something, because then you are already doubting yourself before you even allowed yourself the chance to try. If you tried and failed, then you try again!
Putting yourself down and focusing only on your failures will do you no good and your self-confidence will suffer as a result.
I hope that these 5 self-love tips have inspired you and taught you to love yourself no matter what! Now go and tell that brain to “shhhh” so that you can enjoy the life and body that you were meant to flourish in!
Loving yourself and incorporating the best self-care tips into your life isn’t always easy. Maybe you have a bad habit of putting yourself down or convincing yourself that you CAN’T do what you really want. Trust me, girl, you’ve got what it takes.
Check out my article: The Insanely Simple Guide to Breaking Bad Habits!
P.S. Don’t forget to share these 5 self-love tips with your friends!!! You never know if they might need it!