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How to Lose Weight Fast: 5 Proven Methods


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“How can I lose weight FAST?” is one of the most frequently asked lose-weight-fastquestions especially after the holidays or right before the summer.

It seems as if shedding those pounds quickly is almost impossible, but I’m here to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE.

Crash diets or other restrictive diets are absolutely the worst. They may motivate you to lose weight quickly but it’s almost impossible to make it to the end of the week because you’re so sick of drinking chicken broth for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

You also don’t have to slave away at the gym to see results quickly. Just a few simple tweaks are necessary to your diet and you can slim-down and transform your body the healthy way.

Contrary to popular belief, fast weight loss is not necessarily bad! You should actually focus on losing weight quicker as opposed to slowly.

  • It increases motivation
  • Faster results = long-term results

On average, people will try about 3-4 diet plans every year and less than 1% only ever reach their goals.

This is why fast results will encourage individuals to stick to their diet plan for longer or even indefinitely.

There are ultimately 5 steps to fast weight loss.

  1. Cut back on Sugars and Carbohydrates

This is one of the most important steps in fast weight loss!

These foods stimulate the secretion of insulin which is the main fat storage in the body.

When your insulin levels go down, fat can leave the fat stores in the body and can start to be burned off.

Another benefit of lowering your insulin levels is that your kidneys will remove excess sodium and water within your body and in turn reduce bloat and annoying water weight.

Thus, lowering your carb intake will lower your calorie intake and can result in a 5-8 pound weight drop within only the first week of dieting.

  1. Eat protein, low carb vegetables, and high-quality fats


Once you’ve cut your carbs it’s important to create a balanced meal plan for yourself. Each meal should consist of a protein source, a fat, and a low-carb vegetable.

Foods like organic chicken, lean beef, pork, organic eggs, and salmon are great sources of protein to start with.

If meat isn’t for you, try some whey protein to get your protein.

Also some great low-carb vegetables are:

  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts

According to Healthline, consuming enough protein has been shown to boost metabolism by 80-100 calories per day.

It may come as a surprise to many of you, but it’s important to cook with high-quality fats like extra virgin olive oil, Avocado Oil, or even organic Coconut Oil when trying to lose weight. (ADD LINKS)

Fats are essential for healthy hormone levels and blood flow so don’t be afraid of eating fat. Trying to do both a low carb AND low-fat is a recipe for disaster. It will make you feel weak and will lead you to ultimately quit your plan.

  1. Lift weights at least 3 times per week


People often make the mistake of piling on cardio exercise after cardio exercise in order to burn more calories.

This is not always the best approach because you can lose weight without even exercising. In addition, long distance cardio can cause increased cravings because of sugar depletion.

By starting to lift weights, you will burn some calories while also preventing your metabolism from slowing down.

Studies show that low-carb diets can result in a bit of muscle gain while losing body fat.

To get started you can try out some fat burning toning moves or circuit training.

These types of exercises will prevent your metabolism from slowing down, and will allow you to build lean muscle tissue.

  1. Get sleep

You’ve probably heard before how much sleep affects your weight, but you probably didn’t realize just HOW fast it actually happens.

A study done by Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that it takes only two weeks for your sleep to affect your waistline. This study discovered that after 14 days of sleeping 5.5 or 8.5 hours each night, both men and women lost about 6.5 pounds. However, those who got more sleep lost twice as much fast as those with less sleep.

Although many may disregard this, there are a few reasons you shouldn’t:

  • Lack of sleep changes fat cells – Waking up from a bad nights sleep is not always pleasant. You often feel dazed, confused and exhausted. However, just four days of little sleep negatively affects your body’s ability to properly use insulin.

University of Chicago research found that insulin sensitivity                     dropped by more than 30%

When your body becomes insulin resistant, fats circulate in your blood and release more insulin. This extra insulin ends up storing fat in places like your liver and consequently causes you to gain weight.

  • Lack of sleep increases food cravings – Hunger is controlled by two hormones: leptin and ghrelin.Leptin is produced in your fat cells and the less you produce, the emptier your stomach feels.

The more ghrelin you produce, the more you incite hunger and reduce the number of calories burned.

Therefore, you have to successfully control the two in order to lose weight quickly.

  • Insufficient sleep is linked to major diseases – Lack of sleep is associated with major diseases like obesity and heart failure.
  1. Drink a liter of water for every 50 pounds you weigh

Increasing your water intake is essential to preventing overeating and lose-weight-fastkeeping your metabolism active. Water is also your best friend when it comes to de-bloating.

When your cells are dehydrated, the first thing they look to do is cling to any fluid that’s in your system, adding to more bloat.

Make sure you sip throughout the day so you don’t overload your system.

It’s often good to carry around large water bottle or canteen that has measurements on the side.

I would suggest trying out the Hidrate Spark Smart Water Bottle or Thermos Nissan Intak Hydration Water Bottle.

If you follow these steps losing weight won’t be as hard as it seems.

If you haven’t seen any weight loss then you may need to start counting your calories in addition to doing a carbohydrate detox!

Don’t give up!!


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  • Joan January 20, 2018 at 8:39 pm

    Culmination of the last 10 years of study all in one place. GREAT

    • Caitlin January 21, 2018 at 10:56 pm

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you found my article helpful! 🙂

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