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Drinking Water for Weight Loss

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If you’re trying to lose weight you are most likely watching the foods you eat in Drinking-water-weight-lossaddition to your portion size.

But what about what you’re drinking?

Drinking water helps with weight loss.

Many of us often forget that our drinks account for a good portion of our calorie intake.  You may not think of it as food, but trust me those calories definitely count!

If you have been ignoring water, then you are preventing yourself from losing weight!

Drinking more water can suppress your hunger, flush toxins from the body, and burn more calories. And let’s not forget you’ll be saving yourself lots of calories by throwing away those sugary drinks!

Can More Water Help Prevent Health Problems?

  • Kidney Stones:  Many studies have shown the benefits of improved fluid intake in terms of preventing kidney stones.  Substantial fluid intake helps to decrease concentrations of substances involved in stone development. One five year study  showed that recommending patients to increase fluid intake to achieve a urine volume superior to 2L per day, resulting in reduced kidney stone recurrence [1]
  • Constipation: increasing your water intake has been proven to help with constipation, especially amongst older individual. Read more about this here:
  • Headaches: Our brain consists of over 75% of water and a shortage of available liquids encourages the brain to implement a rationing process by producing histamines. This ultimately causes pain and fatigue. However, a large glass of water and a small break from your daily tasks will help relieve most common stress-related headaches. [2]
  • Back Pain: Back pain is caused by a deficiency in body fluid levels. The discs in our back are composed of an outer shell of joint tissue that is filled primarily with water. Therefore, an appropriately hydrated disk creates a cushion that absorbs the blow of any physical activity. [3]

Take a look at 5 ways drinking more water can help you lose those extra pounds:

1. Curb your Appetite


Have you ever skipped on the water drinking and went right onto plowing down your meal?

Natural News states that water is a noteworthy appetite suppressant.

Chugging a glass or two before your meals can help you feel full. This will prevent you from stuffing that extra pizza slice down your throat and adding those extra calories to your day.

A 2010 study in “Nutrition Reviews” revealed that you are likely to consume 7.8% more calories during a meal if you indulge in a pre-meal soda as opposed to water.  In addition, drinking cold water may help control thirst, which may affect your appetite.  Often times when you feel hungry you are dehydrated.  If you ever you find yourself dizzy or with an empty feeling in your stomach, try drinking water before you head to the snack cabinet.

But remember to not overdo it with the water! Too much water in your digestive system can weaken the enzymes that are essential for your body to process and absorb the nutrients from your food.

2. Boosts Your Metabolism

Water boosts your caloric burn period. This is due to the fact that eating or drinking brings about something called “diet-induced thermogenesis”.

In one study published in The Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, drinking about 16 ounces of water temporarily spiked participants’ metabolic rate by 3%.  Researchers also concluded that increasing water intake by 1.5 liters per day could increase daily caloric burn by roughly 200 calories!

3. Increase Energy


Energy and weight loss work hand in hand with each other.  When energy levels are up, you can go hard on your workouts and fight those cravings! When you drink more, your cells are being given energy that feeds your muscles with oxygen and nutrients. This all helps your brain stay focused on working towards those weight loss goals.

Moreover, when you’re hydrated, you don’t experience as many muscle cramps. Your joints will be lubricated and ready for your exercise!

Your heart also pumps blood more proficiently to your muscles when you are properly hydrated. If your body is feeling healthy and energized, then you are more likely to burn off those calories.

4. Flushes out Toxins

Water is literally the holy grail for detoxing and increasing good health flow within your body. It can even be more effective than some expensive detox beverages that the industry is promoting.  (Energy drinks or soft drinks can actually add more toxins to the body.)

Water carries nutrients to our cells, flushes our bodies of waste, and aids in digestion. By adding squeezed lemon to your water you can further increase their toxin flushing benefits.

In addition, it helps to move stool throughout our digestive system, relieving bloating and keeping our systems in check.

Water also plays a major role in disease prevention.  In a study done at the Centre for Human Nutrition at the University of Sheffield, England, researchers concluded that women who stayed adequately hydrated reduce their risk of breast cancer by 79%.  

Another study performed at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle discovered that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day have a 45% reduced risk of colon cancer compared to women who drink two or fewer glasses per day.

5. Help you Recognize Hunger Cues

I’m pretty sure you have all heard the phrase “water makes you feel full”. There are many times we mistake thirst for hunger.  Feelings of an empty gurgling stomach and low energy levels may make us believe that we need to eat in order to feel satisfied, but in reality, we just need some water to fuel us.

When you feel the “hunger’ kick in, drink a cup or two of water before you decide to order that McDonald’s take out.

One 2015 study from the University of Oxford found that obese adults who drank about 16 oz of water 30 minutes before their meals ended up eating fewer calories and ultimately shedding 2.6 more pounds than those who did not drink before eating.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Many health experts recommend drinking 8-oz glasses of water per day.

However, this might not necessarily be the standard amount.  Water requirements usually depend on the individual.  People who sweat a lot or exercise regularly will need to consume more water than those who are not as active.

The right amount of water consumption also depends on your weight. offers an awesome water calculator that can help you determine how much to drink.



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