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Blueberry Cheesecake overnight oats 


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Did someone say cheesecake for breakfast!? The Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats are nutrient dense, filled with protein, and will make you feel like you're having dessert for breafkast. They are made wih chia seeds, flax seeds, and whole rolled oats. 

If you're an oat lover, make Chocolate Almond Oat BarsNo Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars, and Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats

Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats

Why You'll Love Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats

  why you'll love them!

  • Easy recipe: I love this recipe because you can meal prep it on a Sunday night and have breakfast all ready to go before work or school. You just need a small bowl or jar to put your oats in. 
  • Nutritious breakfast: Despite the name, cheesecake, these overnight oats are made with wholesome, nutrient dense ingredients to keep you feeling full and satisfied during the day.
  • Greek yogurt for protein: the yogurt in this recipe acts as the main source of protein. It is a great way to start your mornings!

Are Overnight Oats Healthy?

Overnight oats are a healthy breakfast option because they:

  • Provide a good source of fiber: Keeping you full and aiding in digestion.
  • Contain complex carbohydrates: Providing sustained energy.
  • Include protein and healthy fats: Thanks to ingredients like Greek yogurt, almond butter, and chia seeds.
  • Are customizable: Allowing you to tailor them to your dietary needs and taste preferences.

Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats Ingredients 

  • Oats: The base of our overnight oats, providing a good source of fiber and whole grains.
  • Ground flax seeds: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, flax seeds add a nutritional boost and help keep you full longer.
  • Greek yogurt: Adds creaminess and a significant amount of protein to the oats, helping to keep you energized throughout the morning.
  • Maple syrup: A natural sweetener that adds just the right amount of sweetness without refined sugars.
  • Almond butter: Provides healthy fats and protein, adding a nutty flavor and creamy texture.
  • Almond milk: A dairy-free option that adds a subtle nutty flavor while keeping the recipe light.
  • Frozen blueberries: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, blueberries bring a burst of flavor and color.
  • Chia seeds: These tiny seeds are nutritional powerhouses, adding fiber, omega-3s, and protein.
Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats

Step-by-Step: How to Make Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats

  1. Combine Dry Ingredients: In a jar or bowl, mix together 1/2 cup oats and 1 tbsp flax seeds.
  2. Add Wet Ingredients: Stir in Greek yogurt, maple syrup, almond butter, and almond milk until well combined.
  3. Cook blueberry layer:  slightly cook your blueberries and chia seeds on the stovetop until soft.
  4. Prepare Chocolate Topping: Before serving, melt chocolate with milk in a microwave-safe bowl or over a double boiler until smooth. Pour over your oats. 
  5. Refrigerate Overnight: Cover the mixture and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 6 hours.
Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats

Benefits of Overnight Oats vs. Cooked Oats

  • Time-Saving: Overnight oats are prepared the night before, saving you precious time in the morning.
  • Texture: The soaking process creates a creamy and smooth texture that many find more enjoyable than cooked oats.
  • Nutrient Preservation: Soaking oats overnight can help retain more nutrients compared to cooking them.
  • Customizable: Endless flavor combinations and toppings keep breakfast exciting and tailored to your preferences.

How to Serve and Store

  • Serve: Enjoy your Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats straight from the fridge for a refreshing, chilled breakfast. Top with additional blueberries, nuts, or a sprinkle of granola for extra texture.
  • Store: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Stir well before serving.

Tips & Tricks

  • Customize: Feel free to add your favorite toppings like nuts, seeds, or additional fruits to make these oats your own.
  • Consistency: If you prefer thicker oats, reduce the amount of almond milk. For thinner oats, add a bit more milk before serving.
  • Chocolate Topping: For a more indulgent treat, add a bit of sea salt to the melted chocolate before drizzling.
  • Blueberry-Cheesecake-Overnight-Oats

    If you make these Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats, I would really appreciate a comment and rating down below, under the recipe card. Don’t forget to take a picture and tag me over on InstagramTik Tok, or Pinterest. For more ideas, check out my Breakfast Recipes page.

    Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats
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    Blueberry Cheesecake Overnight Oats 


    • 1/2 cup oats
    • 1 tbsp ground flax seeds
    • 1/3 cup yogurt
    • 1 tsp maple syrup
    • 1/2 cup almond milk

    Blueberry Layer

    Chocolate Topping

    • 1/4 cup melted chocolate
    • 2 tbsp milk


    • Combine Dry Ingredients: In a jar or bowl, mix together oats and flax seeds.
    • Add Wet Ingredients: Stir in Greek yogurt, maple syrup, almond butter, and almond milk until well combined.
    • Cook blueberry layer: slightly cook your blueberries and chia seeds on the stovetop until soft.
    • Prepare Chocolate Topping: Before serving, melt chocolate with milk in a microwave-safe bowl or over a double boiler until smooth. Pour over your oats.
    • Refrigerate Overnight: Cover the mixture and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 6 hours.

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    Oh Hi! I’m Caitlin – a full time working gal navigating this thing called life just like you. I hope to be a helpful source for you whether you’re looking for healthy recipes, especially dessert, or just some health and life tips. BTW be prepared to see ALL of the chocolate!  Learn More!

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