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7 Simple Weight Loss Drinks to Shed Pounds FAST

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Weight Loss Drinks Let me take you through 7 simple weight loss drinks that will help you shed pounds FAST!

When it comes to health drinks, there are a multitude of options for you to choose from. Of course, my go-to is always some type of smoothie, but those can be time-consuming to make.

This doesn’t mean you can’t whip up a quick Berry Cherry Smoothie for yourself, but there are definitely easier options that can save you time in the mornings!

Plain water is definitely an option for those looking to shed some belly fat, but that can grow old real fast. The drinks below can be quickly added to your diet to help accelerate your weight loss attempts!

They are low in calories and can help keep you fuller for longer which will curb your cravings and help you shed those last few pounds.

Whether you are looking to slim down or start your weight loss journey, it’s important to keep in mind that these drinks won’t make you magically lose weight. Weight loss is all about your diet and a healthy lifestyle!

7 Simple Weight Loss Drinks to Shed Pounds Fast

  1. Lemon Water

Weight Loss Drinks

Lemons have a variety of health benefits and are a great source of vitamin C.  In addition, they provide the body with the body’s daily thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, copper and manganese and much more to your diet.

Just one cup of fresh lemon juice offers 187% of your daily recommended serving of vitamin C.

While lemon water does maintain many important health properties that aid in digestion and detoxification, there is no evidence that proves it allows for serious weight loss.

Nevertheless, instituting healthy rituals and drinking lemon water every morning brings you one step closer to maintaining a balanced system.

Lemon water helps alleviate indigestion or relieve an upset stomach. Moreover, the acids found in lemon juice allow your body to process the good nutrients more slowly. This gradual absorption allows for insulin levels to remain steady and in turn keep more nutrients from the food you consume.

Not only does it reduce bloating and benefit the enzyme functions in your body, but it’s the perfect detoxification for your body and skin.

One way to drink your lemon water is by squeezing ½ a lemon into a warm cup of water every morning. Doing this right after you wake up will help get your system working.

Studies have shown that enforcing healthy habits at the beginning of your day will make you more likely to follow through with other beneficial behaviors.

  1. Coconut Water

This may come as a surprise to many of you. Coconut juice is low in calories but it is high in sugar and saturated fat. However, if this is consumed in moderation it can help you with your weight-loss efforts.

Coconuts contain 600 milligrams of potassium which makes it a high electrolyte beverage. Electrolytes are vital to maintain blood volume, heart health, and prevent dehydration.

By sustaining your electrolyte levels you can increase your energy levels, reduce stress, and maintain muscle relaxation.

According to studies, coconut water can even be an alternative to sports drinks.

Some other health benefits of coconut water include:

  • Weight loss
  • Reduced cellulite
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Relax muscle tension
  1. Ice Water

According to Greatist, introducing ice water into your daily routine can help speed up your metabolism by 50%. When the body is exposed to cold temperatures, it burns more calories in order to keep itself warm.

The human body typically tries to maintain a temperature of 98.6 degrees. That’s why if you chug a glass of cold water, your metabolism must work harder to keep the body warm.

Drinking about three 24-ounce glasses of ice water a day could even help you burn an extra 100 calories!

I would suggest drinking water at whatever temperature you like best. I’m not a big ice water drinker, but it can’t hurt to try it out for a bit and see if it makes you feel better!

  1. Black Coffee

drinks to lose weight

For those coffee lovers out there, I got some great news! Coffee actually offers a variety of health benefits from temporarily boosting concentration and alertness, to speeding up your metabolism.

While the caffeine found in black coffee is good for you, the chlorogenic acid within it can aid in minimizing the amount of sugar your body absorbs from your food.

According to Speciality Coffee Chronicle, Chlorogenic acid has been known to lower blood pressure and act an antioxidant.

Black coffee is also a healthier alternative to flavored coffee loaded with sugars and creamers. By adding these to your drink, you will be adding unnecessary carbs, fat, and processed chemicals.

Some other benefits include lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease, protection against Parkinson’s, and lowered risk of type 2 diabetes.

* If it is hard for you to adjust to the flavor you can always add in unsweetened almond or cashew milk or cinnamon. Also buying organic coffee or freshly roasted can help you adapt to the flavor. *

  1. Matcha Green Tea

You are probably no stranger to the health benefits of green tea and its good friend matcha.

Matcha tea contains a potent class of antioxidants known as catechins, which is not found in other foods. The catechin EGCg, in particular, provides potent cancer-fighting properties.

Therefore, a daily matcha routine can help repair and preserve the body’s integral balance. People who drink tea with high levels of catechins have been shown to have lower body fat, body weight, and belly fat that individuals who don’t.

As a calorie-free drink, Matcha green tea is the perfect addition to your weight loss program. Matcha Source explains that matcha boost metabolism and burns fat. One study even suggested that it helped burn calories four times faster than your body normally would without it.

When choosing your matcha make sure to go with the 100% organic choice! I’ve been recommended to this brand for its quality and affordable pricing.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has often been touted as a highly effective weight loss drink to add to your diet.

One study states that drinking apple cider before eating can actually lead to a decrease in a change of blood glucose post meals. By instituting this before a carb-filled meal you can reduce blood sugar spikes that would normally occur after eating.

One Swedish study discovered that individuals who consumed vinegar with a meal felt a higher level of satiety after eating than those who did not consumer the vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps achieve this blood sugar regulation for weight loss in a few different ways.

  • The acetic acid in vinegar blocks disaccharides (enzymes that break down starches for digestion) from being absorbed in the bloodstream [source]
  • Provides feelings of fullness after a meal & keep
  • Acetic acid in vinegar had a natural appetite suppressant
  • Helpful for diabetics by controlling blood glucose levels
  • Can help you lose body fat
  1. Mint Tea

weight loss drinks

Mint tea is made from peppermint leaves and can help decrease your overall calorie consumption. Peppermint tea only contains 2 calories per 8-ounce serving and contain a variety of essential oils that have antioxidant properties.

Mint can also help reduce bloating and other stomach problems you may have while trying to shed a few pounds. It can reduce heartburn, make your skin glow and induce sleep.

In addition, mint has pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and vasoconstrictor qualities that can help with workout performance

Find weight loss drinks that work best for you and your body! There are so many you can shed pounds fast with the liquids you consume everyday! Let it become a habit and you will be sure to a see a difference!



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Oh Hi! I’m Caitlin – a full time working gal navigating this thing called life just like you. I hope to be a helpful source for you whether you’re looking for healthy recipes, especially dessert, or just some health and life tips. BTW be prepared to see ALL of the chocolate!  Learn More!

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