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7 Ways to use Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

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At this point in time, a good deal of you have probably heard of the 7-ways-coconut-oil-weight-losswidespread benefits of coconut oil.  From a moisturizer to shaving cream and even a hair product, coconut oil has done it ALL!  But did you know that you can use coconut oil for weight loss?

Coconut oil is a unique combination of fatty acids that can be classified as a “superfood”. Amongst it’s health benefits are fat loss, better brain function, reduction in seizures and other impressive benefits.

But I’m sure you are all here to learn how coconut oil can help you lose weight.  (Did you know that this oil can help reduce your hunger cravings, which ultimately results in you eating less.

Coconut oil can help curb your appetite.  If you don’t know how to introduce coconut oil into your everyday cooking routines, check out these 7 ways below.

It just may make you run to the store to grab your own jar !!

7 Ways to use Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

1. Add some to your coffee or tea


When I first heard of this, I must admit I was a little shocked. However, when you think about it, it really isn’t all that crazy

We often add some type of fat to our coffee.  This typically ends up being creamer which lots of sugar.

Coconut Oil ensures that your body receives a good dose of healthy fats early in the morning.

Research shows that when you eat MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) located in coconut oil, your body’s metabolic conversion accelerates.

This means, that the calories you take in are not converted into fat but into fuel for the body.

Word of advice: When you make your coconut oil coffee, don’t just stir it in. It won’t mix as pleasantly s you would hope.

Blend it together with a regular blender or even a handheld mixer.

How it’s done:

  1. Pour your coffee into a blender
  2. Add coconut oil and anything else you want
  3. Place the lid on the blender. The coffee and coconut oil will froth up
  4. Pour into a cup and start sipping!!

2. Massage your skin with coconut oil for more than just smooth skin 😉

You may be wondering how this is related to weight loss, but let me assure you this is awesome routine to include into your daily life.  Using coconut oil in this manner can manage cellulite.

One unique way is through dry brushing with coconut oil

Dry brushing can remove toxins from your body and improve circulation.

This is an awesome night ritual you can do after the shower or right before bed. Make sure you spread the coconut oil on the affected area and gently brush the skin. I recommend using a natural, vegetable-based brush.

TIP: brush towards the heart

3. Use Coconut Oil instead of butter & Vegetable Oil

It may come as a surprise to some, but vegetable oil is not as healthy as you think. Cooking with unsaturated fats, like the ones found in vegetable oil, damages them and creates free radicals. Free radicals are basically the opposite of antioxidants. This is BAD.

They can lead to inflammation in the body that is linked to diabetes and heart diseases.

Cooking with saturated fats, however, does NOT damage them. They can withstand heat better than olive oil, so it preserves more of its health properties.

These properties include fat burning elements and appetite-suppressing characteristics.

Coconut oil can be used in just about anything.

You might want to try a refined coconut oil if you’re cooking something savory that you don’t want any coconut flavor in.

Personally, when I bake or even make eggs, I try to use coconut oil.  It’s a great alternative to any other unhealthy oils!

Carrington Farm’s bottle is my favorite baking coconut oil. It has no taste and is gluten-free and Non GMO.

4. Burn off belly fat

Coconut Oil helps you lose “deadly” fat, also known as visceral fat.

One study conducted, had 30 women who were given two tablespoons of coconut oil for 28 days and the other soybean oil. Both groups were told to eat few calories and walk every day.

Unsurprisingly, the group that consumed the coconut oil saw a decrease in waist circumference while the other group actually had a mild INCREASE in belly fat.

So if you’re looking to shed a little bit on your stomach area to reveal your six-pack… here’s your answer!

5. Use it for your kale chips


When you feel like reaching for salty potato chips, why not make some kale chips instead!?

Making kale chips with coconut oil can be super healthy.

Here’s how to make kale chips:

  • Tear kale leaves into small bite-sized pieces
  • Put kale in a bowl and add coconut oil; mix with your hand until evenly coated
  • Spread the kale leaves on a baking sheet. Sprinkle garlic and salt.
  • Bake at 350 until crispy for about 10-15 minutes

6. Add to your smoothies


Smoothies are an awesome breakfast meal or pre after workout drink.

You can simply add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your smoothie. It works best when you add melted coconut oil to your drink, so it doesn’t clump up.

Adding coconut oil to your smoothie can help give it a healthy fat boost or even a tropical flavor.

7. Boost your energy levels

Coconut oil is made up of MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides).  MCTS are more quickly absorbed by the body and are swiftly metabolized as fuel ( meaning they are not stored as fat).

This, in turn, helps give your energy!

If you’re every feeling sluggish or tired, reach for a tablespoon of coconut oil instead of sugar! J

It’s best to consume it in the morning so that the oil can boost your energy levels by an average of 6%.


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Oh Hi! I’m Caitlin – a full time working gal navigating this thing called life just like you. I hope to be a helpful source for you whether you’re looking for healthy recipes, especially dessert, or just some health and life tips. BTW be prepared to see ALL of the chocolate!  Learn More!

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