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7 Self-Care Tips you Never Tried

7 Self-Care Tips

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7 Self Care Tips You Never Tried

Self-care is something we often view as a luxury when in reality it should be our priority! Most of the times we see self-care as getting our nails done, but it doesn’t even have to be as luxurious as that. I’m breaking done some self-care tips that are simple and super easy to implement into your day to day life. Let’s get started!

7 Self-Care Tips to Start Using Right Now

#1 Take yourself out to dinner

You don’t need to have a specific reason to treat yo self!! Sometimes being nice to yourself means doing something that will make you feel happy for no reason at all!

This could be downing your fave Italian plate or sipping on your favorite wine or dessert. (Find me at the nearest Cold Stone ✌🏻)

#2 Have a staycation

Girl. I know life get’s busy, you have work, prior commitments, not enough money to travel, etc. But let me tell ya, a staycation is a perfect way to break up your monotonous weeks and spend some time pampering yourself.

This is totally one of the self-care tips we can ALL implement in our lives, even if it’s just to have a movie night once a month.

Instead of running around on the weekend, set aside some time to SLOW DOWN, make your favorite home-cooked meal, watch your favorite movie, and catch up on some reading.

Do what makes you feel happy and relaxed!!

#3 Get organized bye bye clutter hello
7 Self Care Tips You Never Tried

So I’d like to say that my desk is an organized mess (nervous laughter)

I HATE clutter, but sometimes life just happens and stuff gets in the way. Papers get piled onto the desk, sticky notes end up on walls, and then the rest just spirals from there.

Maybe I’m weird, but walking into a CLEAN space makes me feel refreshed. Not only is it physically clean and neat, but it takes away from worrying about what you have to do to tidy up.

So if you’re anything like me cleaning your house can be emotionally liberating.

#4 Focus on your accomplishments, not your failures

OKURRR, I am guilty of focusing on what I CAN’T do rather then what I CAN. We’ve all done it and spoiler alert: WE ALL FAIL.

When something goes wrong, take the time to learn from it and then redirect your attention to your accomplishments.

You may not realize it, but this is one of the self-care tips that could help you out more than you even know.

Having a positive mindset will help you grow in your personal life as well as your career.

#5 Take a walk during your lunch break
7 Self Care Tips You Never Tried

Since getting a full-time corporate job, ya gurl has been sitting NON STOP. My booty is NOT happy.

On your next lunch break or whenever you have some free time during the day, I encourage you to go out for a walk!

Walking is such a great form of exercise and is the perfect way to get the blood pumping. It helps to clear your mind, reset, and get some much-needed sunshine.

This is one self-care tip that I’ve implemented into my day to day work life. It’s helped me immensely and makes me feel just a little bit more refreshed before heading back to work.

#6 Invest in yourself

Stop waiting for the “perfect time” to do something for yourself. If I’m being honest with you guys, there’s never going to be ana amazing time.

There will ALWAYS be something else to do, but the time you take to INVEST in yourself is invaluable.

It can be SO EASY to drop things that keep us happy when we get caught up, overwhelmed, or pulled in too many directions. BUT, when you implement YOU time, the reward you see will be that much greater.

So sign up for that class, read that book, join that gym, and do all of the things you keep putting off for yourself. Trust me girl, you are WORTH IT.

#7 Start saying NO
7 Self-Care Tips

Say goodbye to being a “yes girl” and say hello to “NO”.

By saying yes to everything you leave yourself feeling drained and with very little energy for yourself.

“Saying no to something you don’t want to do but feel obligated to do is not only empowering but is also an act of self-care,” says Sheila Tucker an associate marriage and family therapist and owner of Heart Mind and Soul Counseling in South Carolina.

When you start saying no to things and keep your schedule a little more open, you will begin to notice a weight lifted from your shoulders.

Looking to make self-care your priority? Check out these other articles on the blog to read more!

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

There you have it. 7 Self-care tips that you may never have thought about. Use these to take your happiness and health to the next level


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Oh Hi! I’m Caitlin – a full time working gal navigating this thing called life just like you. I hope to be a helpful source for you whether you’re looking for healthy recipes, especially dessert, or just some health and life tips. BTW be prepared to see ALL of the chocolate!  Learn More!

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