I’m ABSolutely sure you will love these moves!
Finding time for long workouts can honestly be a struggle. Between balancing work, house duties, school, or the hectic life of motherhood, it’s so hard to commit to a long workout.
It may also be too much work for those of us who get winded just by walking up and down the stairs. ( Sadly, this has happened to me before).
Also, as women, we often struggle with bloating or other tummy troubles (I know i definitely have!!). That’s why a little ab exercise can help give you the tone you want for yourself without taking up too much of your time.
So HAVE NO FEAR! I have a five minute ab exercise that will help you busy bees or couch potatoes tone up your stomach muscles.
It’ll be over before you know it. I promise! And you may even so those abs peeking through! 🙂
Let’s get started
1. Abdominal Hold
Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair and place your hands on the edge.
Tighten your core and slowly lift your butt off the chair. Your toes should be about 2-4 inches off the floor.
Hold the pose for about 10 second. (5 if you can’t hold it long enough)
Lower yourself and repeat this exercise for 1 minute.
2. High plank walk
High planks are excellent for working out the core as well as the glutes. By adding movement to this exercise you can help maximize the positive effects of the original move.
Get into a high plank position.
Slowly walk your feet to your hands, one at a time and slowly bring them back until your back to high plank.
Hold high plank for a few seconds before going back.
Do this for 30 seconds.
3. Snaps jumps
Ready to work out more than just your core? Prepare your glutes and calves for this move.
This exercise mirrors the previous except you will hop instead of walking your legs slowly up.
Get into high plank position and jump both feet forward until your toes are behind your wrists.
Then jump both feet back to your original position. Keep your palms flat on the floor.
Hold the plank for a few seconds before going back.
Do this for 30 seconds.
4.Opposite arm and leg raise
Start on all fours, making sure your knees are under your hips. For comfort, place a yoga mat
underneath your knees for this move and any other move you please.
Stretch your left arm out to about shoulder height and lift your left leg to hip height.
Hold for 3 seconds and repeat this exercise on the other side.
Do this for 1 minute.
5.High plank
Move into a pushup position with your arms beneath your shoulders.
Tighten your core and hold a high plank for 30 seconds. Make sure your arms and legs are properly extended. This move will also provide definition to your lower abs.
Hold for 1 minute.
6.Wide Leg plank
Go into high plank position. Make your legs slightly wider than hip width apart and place your arms directly under your shoulders.
Keep your back straight and tighten the core.
Lower down to your hands and knees. Repeat for 30 seconds.
8. Superman plank
Lie on your stomach and extend your arms and legs. Lift your shoulders and hip off the ground until you’re in a “superman” position.
Hold for 30 seconds.