Do you ever feel out of control around dessert? Do you wish you could eat without guilt?
I feel ya and don’t blame you if you feel the same. Diet culture teaches us that if we aren’t following a diet or eating plan we may go off the rails. Binge on everything we come in contact with AND “get fat”.
But when you stop to think about it, do individuals on diets actually feel in control? I’m guessing the answer is HECK NO.
Our bodies can’t tell the difference between dieting and actual starvation. So going on a diet makes your body go into survivor mode.
It slows your metabolism to save energy and may even start utilizing your own muscle to burn fuel.
Basically, if you continue on this path, you’ll be stuck on the diet merry go round for years to come.
Totally NOT what I would recommend.
What if we STOPPED trying to control our food. What if you could eat without guilt WHILE still maintaining any goals you set for yourself?
Sound good yet?
For more, click below!
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